School Management Software

School Management System

School Management System is a complete and customized solution for a school handling regular management work. By going through the flow of application one can easily maintain its student detail, fees detail, Employee detail, Certificate details, Time Table and Exam scheduling, Exams and Transportation Detail. This software includes the management of students, Employee, Accounts, Transportation, library, Fees, Exam, Time Table and its respective reports with administrative module to provide better security. User-friendly menus can easily generate all the reports


As per your requirement of Schools we analysed that School Management System should consists of the following modules.

Student Management - Based on Students from Secondary and Higher Secondary
  • Student Personal , Parents Details, Class and Section Allocation, Certificates Management (Extracurricular & Transfer Certificate), Discharging of students, Pass / Fail Entry, Identity Card generation of students
Fee Management - Based on Day wise and Fixed
  • Monthly Fee Collection, Admission Fee Collection, Other Miscellaneous fee Collection like Transportation Fee, Sports Fees, and Lab Fees , Fee Fine Collection, Printing Of Fee Receipt, Exam Terms Fee Collection
Payroll - Based on Allowances, Deductions, and Leaves
  • Employee Master, Allocation Of Allowances, Deductions and Leaves , Attendances Entry, Maintaining of Leave Record, Processing Of Monthly Salary, Pay Slip Generation
Time Table - Based on Shifts and Periods Time
  • Schedule Allocation Master, Class Time Table ,Teachers Time Table